The quick coupling is built in various sizes and dimensions to fit the arms of the excavators on the market. It is designed and built to easily change equipment of the excavator on which it is placed in few seconds.
It is designed to alternatively use various types of buckets and hydraulic machines, for example hydraulic hammer.
The mechanical version includes a semi-automatic system that requires the intervention of the operator only during the release phase, while the hook and securing of the new equipment take place automatically.
In the hydraulic version these operations are managed directly from the cabin.
L’attrezzatura è composta da:
una piastra di aggancio sagomata appositamente per il fissaggio mediante i perni originariamente usati per la benna sul braccio dell’escavatore (1);
due ganci (2), per il collegamento all’attrezzatura intercambiabile;
una sede prismatica (3) per l’aggancio sicuro fra le due parti dell’attrezzatura;
un sistema di chiusura e blocco dell’aggancio fra le due parti, composto da un pistone idraulico e da un blocco di sicurezza (4).